Bishop Keith Ackerman

Bp. Keith Ackerman Bp. Ackerman serves as our Ambassador for Anglican and Ecumenical Affairs. He is the eighth Bishop of Quincy, retired. Formerly in the TEC, he’s been in the ACNA since its foundation. He serves on the ACNA College of Bishops and is on the Prayer Book Liturgy Committee. He serves as a Trustee on the Board of Nashotah House Seminary and he is the Chaplain for many devotional organizations including the Franciscan Order of Divine Compassion. He is the Vicar of St. Timothy’s Anglican Church in Fort Worth, living in Keller, TX.

•   The Thin Line:  Empathy vs. Sympathy
•  You’re a Great Listener, Father
•  It Had an Interesting Bouquet
•  You picked a fine time to leave me…
•  Jesus Reigns, Mary Hails
•  My Son, My Son
•  Do You Know How Much You’re Worth?
•  The Iceman Doesn’t Cometh Anymore
•  Holy, Holy, Holy
•  My First Wife
•  Time for a New Priest
•  Who’s Your Neighbor?
•  I Think George Knew What He Was Doin’
•  Keep On Movin’ Rev’rend